Friday, May 17, 2013


I ran into an issue where I was unable to view announcements on our Public Internet SharePoint Site. After researching I learned it was because of  lockdown feature that was enabled under the Publishing Pages. I was able to access announcements under team sites just not under any publishing sites so that showed me it was something with the Publishing Sites. Listed below are the steps one can take to enable or disable this feature.

To Determine if a site has ViewFormPagesLockDown enabled run the following:

get-spfeature -site http://sitecollectionURL

If ViewFormpagesLockDown is listed, its enabled

To toggle lockdown mode to off:

$lockdown = get -spfeature viewformpageslockdown

disable -spfeature $lockdown -url http://sitecollectionURL

if anonymous is already setup you may need to disable\re-enable anonymous on the site.